Shop  / New item - Monthly Highlight
Just Added To Our Store
The Despicable Deadpool 300 CGC 9.6.
Orginal Sketch and Signed
By The Man Himself
Rob Leifeld
The Hit Comic Book series Finally
Price: $2,500

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Amazon Services  / New Service
Amazon Kids+
A Safe Children's Service
Unlimited Access to Thousands of Kid-friendly
books, movies, TV shows, educational
apps, games and premium kid’s skills.
Low Monthly or Annual plans with Prime available
Non-Prime plans available as well

First Month Free - for first time Sign-up's

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Shop  / CGC Graded Comics
Collector's Comics on sale
Icluding one of a kind Blank covers
variants, done by some of the best Artists around
Why? Because you should never trust and artist
that doesn't know about comics.
Low prices on most Books
Limited numbers available!

Some starting at $50.

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Chaotic Soft LLC

The Full Tech Experiance

Mission: Making technology easier for you, so you can appreciate the time you have.

We wants our site to be very inspiring and motivating. While we deliver styles and tech that may help you better yourself as well others.

Still, a great thank you our fans and customers. For still visiting our website for the last 6 years. We Hail from the state of New York. At this time, I hope we all still remain safe. We're focusing on various experience for our follower. Here is just a few things we will be working on!

This year, was a busy year. We are proud to say some of the things we have done! Created custom designed Robotics and drones for our clients. Installed computer networked systems that modernized mid and small businesses. Designed Motion Graphics and Animations for our Clients. Plus, we designed: Websites, Mobile APP's, AR/VR assets, Digital Photgraphy for our customers.

We're a private company. For most major projects, we will only take customers and businesses by invitation or appointments only. But, as the company moves forward, we will be open to all customer who needs web-related and mobile works. As well as computer equipment and devices. Once again, thank you all for your business and support.




Information Technology Services

What We Work On

We divide our workload into three different category

The mist over the mountains

Lite Drone and Robotics creation

Not all customer needs the same conventional machines. So we custom design and create lite robotics and drones projects tailored to your own needs. We try to bring what machine you need to life. Giving you an edge against the competition

Coffee beans

Software Applications

We can program all your companies software application needs. doesn't matter if its a customs software, widget, mobile APP, or website. We can do it easily, an at a budget friendly price. Allowing your company to have the same advantage as your biggest competitors

Computer Networking

Computer Network Solutions

Depending on your business size and budget. We will get you the devices you need. Compatible with your existing system. At a great, budget friendly price. Because many times, you don't need the most pricey device that's out there. Just one that can do the job right!

Basic Products and Packages

  • Custom Websites
  • All Websites includes:
  • 1 primary page and up to 4 secondary pages
  • Reponsives/Mobile friendly design
  • Assistance in finding a host provider
  • 1 months of free site updates after upload
  • Starting @ $799.99

    A non-refundable $99 deposit included towards the final price is required at start.
  • Custom Mobile APP (non-gaming)
  • Software Design Includes:
  • Mobile APP iOS design (Apple)
  • Designed for both iPhone and iPad products
  • Non-3D asset creations
  • Free revisions @ no additional cost until APP is Approved
  • Starting at $1800.00

    A non-refundable $200 deposit included towards the final price is requried at start.
For additional standalone products and services. Please visit our store. All products and packages are taxed at a Westchester, NY rate




Digital Graphic Design

Our Digital Works

What can we make for you!


Our goal is to design your online presence. Creating a brand to make you stand out from the competition. A good design will more likely attract customers to your business. Don't limit yourself to just paper pamphlets.



We can design all your essenitial digital needs. This includes: logos, digital cards, covers,  profile pictures, digital motion videos, the lists goes on. Let us make things easy for you. So you can focus more on whats important .



Your business is your like your dreams. Only you can describe it. Thats where our experts come in. We been doing this for a while. We will work with you, to bring your vision to life. we create what our customer needed
